Ms. Whitwell thinks I'm reading but no I'm in Samoa with the sun shining on us and we're swimming in the dark blue sea. As we're coming out of the sea we're swimming with the dolphins and the small turtles too. I've been nipped by the tiny crabs wriggling up to the surface. After all that fun we relax.
"Jaida, reading not talking to your self."
Ms. Whitwell thinks I'm reading but no she's wrong because I'm in Lollie land with my house made of chocolate and my roof mad of gummy bears. I've been eating all the jelly and I've been chased by giant gummy bears and I've been trapped in the winches jail.
"Jaida consecrate"
Ms. Whitwell thinks I'm reading but no I'm at home relaxing on the couch watching TV with popcorn in one hand and fizzy in the other. I've ended up in side the TV and it is amazing. The movie I was watching was the 'Croods' then behind me was a bear owl, he chased me but I was too fast for him. After being chased I got lost in the jungle it was not good then .....
"Jaida detention now!"