Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Jabberwoky

Last night on Wednesday the school did a play called the Jabberwocky. We did the play in the hall and I was a singer as well as Gemma. I think the play went well because we practiced and practiced it a lot and on the day all we did was practice. After the play I was tired because I sang three songs and we had to sit in this little room and sit on little chairs which was annoying.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Best Trip Of My Life

On Monday room 2 went to the mountain and went skiing. We had different groups which were independent, explorer and beginners. I was in the beginners because I had never been skiing but I have now. All of us had big lunches because we were there for the hole day. On the way I got car sick but I didn't spew up. At the mountain I only fell off my skies once because in my ski lesson we went down a big hill but we went down in a line which was hard. I had lots of fun and every one else probably had fun too. For the next trip I hope we go snow boarding.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Bumble Bees

This week room two had to chose an interesting animal or insect. My interesting insect is the bumble bee. I have three interesting facts about the bumble bee. Firstly I found out that the bumble bee drinks nectar and eats pollen. Secondly the bumble bee picks its food up with its feet and lastly the bumble bee can fly by the small wings that work by causing air to flow.